Folkestone College – Embedded in Developing the Community
There is a wealth of learning opportunities in Folkestone. Folkestone College, based on the Shorncliffe Road, caters for students from 14 years onwards. Folkestone College has a strong commitment to developing future creatives who can contribute to our local economy. The college also offers the usual Further Education courses. This is part of Folkelife’s series on education opportunities in Folkestone.
junior college
The first academic year of the Junior College started in September 2020 and is a two year course for 14-16 year olds. On this course you will complete your GCSE maths and English requirements, along with Religious Studies and certificates in sport and leadership. You will also gain a Level 2 Diploma in Arts and Design, certified by the University of the Arts, London (UAL) and a BTec Level 2 Technical Certificate in Business Enterprise.
In Year 1 of your study there is a creative emphasis focusing on the arts, visual creativity and fashion. In Year 2, you’ll study the business element, equipping you for the workplace.
There are also extra-curricular qualifications in sexual and mental health awareness and other personal and social educational areas.
This course is aimed at anyone who has a creative flair. Current students come from all backgrounds; some have done two years at secondary school already, others have been home-schooled before enrolling.

16+ education
Every young person needs to be in education until their 18th birthday. Folkestone College offers various pathways in construction, art, computing, theatrical make-up and beauty, Early Years, sport, and catering.
The college is now offering T level qualifications which are Level 3 qualifications and are counted as A Levels. 80% of the teaching is classroom based and coursework assessed. 20% of the course is an industry placement. Each student should end the course with the equivalent of 3 A Level qualifications that can be counted towards a university placement or can move straight into employment. T Levels in Education and Childcare, and Onsite Construction are available.
national entrepreneur awards
Megan Parfitt is a student at Folkestone College and chose to go here for the opportunities their business course offered. “I hadn’t done Business Studies at school but had a business idea in my head. My mum pushed me to do the course, and said I’d be surprised, and I was! I knew about the competitions we could take part in before I joined. The first competition, the Tycoons, you could win £600 towards your business idea. I went in for that and won it! As a result, I could go on to the National Entrepreneur Awards and pitch my idea in front of Peter Jones from Dragon’s Den.
“I practiced so much; filmed myself doing my pitch etc, so I knew exactly what I was going to do when I got in front of the panel. My feedback was great. Peter Jones said that he thought he’d just turned on the Shopping Channel!”
Eat Your Dinner
“My idea is called Eat Your Dinner Trivia. My little sister hates eating her vegetables so we used to play a game where if she answered a question correctly she got an extra 10 minutes staying up before bed. And if she got the answer wrong, she had to eat her veg. It did get her to eat up, and she really enjoyed it too! So I want to create this game for Year 3s and 4s at primary schools first, then develop it for Reception class, and then go right up the school. I’ve got ideas for adult games too, they all revolve around fitness and health.
“I didn’t know I wanted to go into business, but being here at the college has been great, and when the penny dropped about what I wanted to do, I’ve been able to achieve anything!”